<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Dim rsAdvertising Dim rsAdvertising_cmd Dim rsAdvertising_numRows Set rsAdvertising_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command") rsAdvertising_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_connIsleofWhithorn_STRING rsAdvertising_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * From advertising WHERE adExpiry >= DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 0 DAY) AND adShow = '1'" 'rsAdvertising_cmd.Prepared = true Set rsAdvertising = rsAdvertising_cmd.Execute rsAdvertising_numRows = 0 %> <% ' Moving to random record - Steven Jones' Extension If Not(rsAdvertising.bof and rsAdvertising.eof) Then ' reset the cursor to the beginning If (rsAdvertising.CursorType > 0) Then rsAdvertising.MoveFirst Else rsAdvertising.Requery End If rsAdvertising_totalrn = -1 rsAdvertising_totalrn = rsAdvertising.RecordCount ' ony works on some recordsets, but much faster If (rsAdvertising_totalrn = -1) Then ' and if it didn't work, we still have to count the records. ' count the total records by iterating through the recordset rsAdvertising_totalrn=0 While (Not rsAdvertising.EOF) rsAdvertising_totalrn = rsAdvertising_totalrn + 1 rsAdvertising.MoveNext Wend ' reset the cursor to the beginning If (rsAdvertising.CursorType > 0) Then rsAdvertising.MoveFirst Else rsAdvertising.Requery End If End If ' now do final adjustments, and move to the random record rsAdvertising_totalrn = rsAdvertising_totalrn - 1 If rsAdvertising_totalrn > 0 Then Randomize rsAdvertising.Move Int((rsAdvertising_totalrn + 1) * Rnd) End If End If ' all done; you should always check for an empty recordset before displaying data %> <% Function parseInput(strInput) strInput = Replace(strInput,"&", "&") strInput = Replace(strInput,"@", "@") strInput = Replace(strInput,"-", "-") strInput = Replace(strInput,"'", "'") parseInput = strInput End Function %> Map showing the location of the Isle of Whithorn

Map showing the location of the Isle of Whithorn

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The Isle of Whithorn

The Isle of Whithorn

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<% rsAdvertising.Close() Set rsAdvertising = Nothing %>